In Covid-19 days, the stair lift measurement process of course requires some special precautions. In those days when the threat continues, especially people with a high risk group need a stair lift, but they are afraid to invite foreign people to their homes for exploration. Of course, we are right about this issue and we welcome their sensitive thinking with understanding.
In these days when our company hygiene is very important, they are doing their best to protect themselves, our valued customers, and this virus from them, and they are working hard.
Special overalls are worn, masks and visors are worn, gloves are used, and they are used only once.
For us, security comes first, just like in our slogan. Since health is a safety factor, our company pays utmost attention to the general rules of Covid-19 or Corona protection.
At the same time, our working environment and conditions are regularly audited by Handicare Netherlands.
Relying on you can invite our technical service team to your home, you can ask us to make a discovery for your stair lift, seat lift or disabled lift or home lift needs.
For an appointment: 0549 608 00 70
June 2020