Subject: Stair Lift With Auxiliary Seats (Active Seat)

For some it is very easy to sit on the couch, in general, for most people it is very easy to sit on the couch, chair, sofa. You leave yourself and settle in the seat. Of course, when we say this, we make generalization and it may not be easy for some to sit.

We can define sitting as the controlled emptying of the muscles and joints and positioning the target area with our hips. When we turn around where we want to sit, bend our joints and relax our muscles, we complete the process, that is, we will be seated. Of course, the place we want to sit should not be too low, which means that the measure is not below our knee joint. To sit safely, our seat should not be lower than our knee joint. If the distance we are talking about is in the middle of the calf, we cannot sit safely and we will have a hard sitting or a fall.

Anyway, the sitting procedure we mentioned here is easier than the lifting procedure.

Now let’s talk about getting up. It is more difficult for them to get up from where they live, especially for people who do not have physical competence or have few. Getting up is provided by muscle strength. The opposite of sitting is; Just as the muscles are released in the sitting process, lifting is achieved by using the opposite muscles.

Yes, getting up may be more difficult for some, they do not have enough strength or are less.

Here, Handicare has designed a chair model that helps to get up by thinking these people who may have difficulty getting up from the stair lift seat. This model comes into play with a simple lever and pushes the seated person upwards controlled and lightly.

The seat mechanism is as follows; Under the seat are gas springs. The power of these shock absorbers is determined and selected according to the weight of the people who can sit or use the seat. For example, people between 90 and 110 kg will use this seat, but at the same time, 85-115 kg shock absorbers are selected for those who will have difficulty getting out of the seat. These shock absorbers are activated with a mentioned arm and push the person sitting above it in a controlled way.

While sitting on the opened seat, it is closed by the weight of the person sitting on the seat, and the shock absorbers lock themselves.

The people who have difficulty in sitting and use the stair lift comfortably with this Lift Assisted Seated Stair Lift designed by Handicare.