Genelde merdiven asansörü sahibinden arayanlar bu cihazı ikinci el olarak aradıkları bellidir. Peki 2. el merdiven asansörü almak ne derecede doğru bir karardır.

Öncelikle neden 2. el merdiven asansörü arandığına bakalım. Bunun asıl sebeplerinden birisi daha uygun maliyete merdiven asansörünü sahibinden tedarik ederek, daha az bedel ödemek. Mali ve finans gücü olarak yeni bir merdiven asansörü almaya gücü yetmeyenler ikinci el arayabilirler. Ya da geçici olarak bu cihaza ihtiyacı olanlar.

Peki gerçekten 2. el merdiven asansörü almanın maliyeti daha az mıdır? Bu soruya cevap vermek için satın aldığınız cihazın kaç yıllık bir makine olduğu, durumunun ne olduğu, herhangi bir arızasının olup olmadığı, akülerinin durumu, motorunun eskiliği ve en önemlisi bu asansör için garantisinin devam edip etmediği. Bu sorulara cevap verdikten sonra asansörün gerçek maliyeti ortaya çıkacaktır.

Sonuç olarak eğer sahibinden merdiven asansörü arıyor isek, cihazın garanti kapsamında ve bakımlı olması durumunda alınması tavsiye edilir.

En iyi merdiven asansörü sahibinden ilk elden alınması sizler için daha doğru bir karar olacaktır.

Generally, those who call the stair lift owner are certain that they are looking for this device as a second hand. So, what a correct decision to buy a second-hand stair lift.

How can you secure your home, we continue with the topic of the stair lift owner;

First of all, let’s look at why a second hand elevator is called. One of the main reasons for this is to supply the stair lift from its owner at a lower cost and pay less. Those who cannot afford to buy a new stair lift as a financial and financial power can search second hand. Or those who need this device temporarily.

So, is it really less to buy a second-hand stair lift? To answer this question, how many years the device you purchased is a machine, what is the status, whether it has any malfunctions, the condition of the batteries, the oldness of the engine, and most importantly whether the warranty for this elevator continues. After answering these questions, the actual cost of the elevator will be revealed.

As a result, if we are looking for a stair lift from the owner, it is recommended to purchase the device if it is under warranty and well-maintained.

Taking the best stair lift owner first hand will be a better decision for you. [: En] Generally, those looking for the stair lift owner are certain that they are looking for this device as a second hand. So, what a correct decision to buy a second-hand stair lift.

First of all, let’s look at why a second hand elevator is called. One of the main reasons for this is to supply the stair lift from its owner at a lower cost and pay less. Those who cannot afford to buy a new stair lift as a financial and financial power can search second hand. Or those who need this device temporarily.

So, is it really less to buy a second-hand stair lift? To answer this question, how many years the device you purchased is a machine, what is the status, whether it has any malfunctions, the condition of the batteries, the oldness of the engine, and most importantly whether the warranty for this elevator continues. After answering these questions, the actual cost of the elevator will be revealed.

As a result, if we are looking for a stair lift from the owner, it is recommended to purchase the device if it is under warranty and well-maintained.

Taking the best stair lift owner first hand will be a better decision for you.