Stair accidents

Stair and stairwell injuries are a common cause of serious injury and sometimes even death. Such personal injuries are more common than some people expect. Both open and closed stairs are extremely common areas for rolling and falling. Let’s take a look at some statistics:

More than 1 million people are injured every year as a result of falling from a ladder.
Stair accidents are the cause of accidents that come second after motor vehicle accidents.
Around 12,000 fatal stairway accidents occur each year.

These statistics remind you that using just a simple ladder can be quite dangerous. As you fall from a ladder, your weight will increase with that moment and you will fall more heavily. Consider an accidental broken arm or leg, you can easily break your neck or back. What does all this mean for the average person? These statistics reveal that falling down stairs is a very real problem in daily life. Many negligence is caused by most of these declines.

Stairwell or defects in the stairs,
Wrong or low illumination,
Dangerous stair slopes,
Wrong and wrong steps,
Faulty railings or handrails,
Some items or toys left on the step,

The stairs are of course in various environments: in apartments, homes, commercial establishments such as restaurants and bars, and in workplaces, public institutions. There is always a risk of accident on all the stairs in all these places.

So what precautions should we take for stair accidents, what should we be aware of:
First of all, we must be extremely careful while using the stairs,
We must step by seeing the steps,
We must keep in mind that we are on a ladder, along the ladder,
We should be careful that the stairs are not slippery,
We should not wear loose or not fit slippers or shoes while using the stairs,
Before handling, we must make sure that handrails, handrails or grab bars at the edge of the stairs are intact,
To prevent young children from falling off the stairs, we should put locked stair doors on the stairs,
We should not allow people who have difficulties getting up and down stairs to use stairs alone,
If possible, we can have a stair lift system for someone who has difficulty in using the staircase, or for the home with the staircase where the elderly or the patient lives.

Of course, we do not want to witness the fall and injury of someone we love.

Also, one thing we should not forget is that the precautions we will take in order to prevent stair accidents will be much cheaper than the material and moral losses or losses to be incurred after the accident.

April 2020