Those who need a disabled stairlift can sometimes search for “cheap disabled elevator” or “affordable disabled elevator” when searching the internet. In this case, the address they will reach will be LiftArt Quality Living Systems.
For those looking for cheap disabled lifts, a few models of disabled lifts are offered for sale at affordable prices.
Since LiftArt is the only representative and only office of handicapped lift manufacturers in Turkey, it always offers its products at affordable prices. Because there is no intermediary, he sells directly himself.
To give some sample prices for an affordable disabled lift:
For a single floor, that is, for the ground and above, the price may be between 2000 euros and 6000 euros. This price may vary depending on the model, type, travel distance and assembly city of the requested disabled elevator.
Please call us: +90 549 608 00 70 for your cheap disabled elevator needs with longer travel distances.
We specifically state that we will help you with the most affordable price.
LiftArt Quality Living Systems
+90 212 608 00 70
+90 549 608 00 70